Today Imran Khan revealed his plan to dissolve the Punjab and KPK assemblies, in a televised address along with chief ministers of Punjab and KPK. He told the nation that after his discussion with both the chief ministers, Ch. Parvez Elahi chief minister Punjab and Mehmood Khan chief minister KPK, he have decided that PTI will dissolve Punjab and KPK assemblies on Friday, Dec 23, 2022.
Imran khan also thanked both the chief ministers, Ch. Parvez Elahi and Mehmood Khan, for standing by him. Also according to him they have assured him that they will dissolve the assemblies as soon as Imran Khan will ask them to.
Few days back the chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-insaf (PTI) Imran Khan had revealed that they do not want to be part of corrupt system anymore. For that PTI is also ready to give up their government which is in Punjab and KPK. He also revealed that they will show up to the National Assembly speaker and ask him to accept all the resignations of PTI members instead of cherry picking few, every now and then.
Chaudhry Parvez Elahi also tweeted about the decision and the tweet which was in urdu and it roughly translates to following.
We will be with Imran Khan in every decision he makes. Punjab assembly belongs to Imran Khan and we have returned it to him today. Imran Khan have destroyed the politics of opposition. The ones who spread rumors will remain unsuccessful.
Tweet By Ch. Parvez Elahi
If you are interested in the original tweet, it is as follows.
Few days back as well Ch. Parvez Elahi and his son Ch. Moonis Elahi had assured via their public tweets on twitter that they are standing with Imran Khan. And as soon as Imran Khan asks Ch. Parvez Elahi will dissolve the Punjab assembly without any hesitation or delay.
Chief Minister KPK Mehmood Khan as well in his TV appearance, like in an ARY’s show ‘Off the Record’ with Kashif Abbasi, had said that he will be waiting for Chairman’s directions and KPK assembly will be dissolved as soon as he directs.
KPK assembly is not a big of a concern as its CM is PTI’s own member, however the CM Punjab Ch. Parvez Elahi is from Pakistan Muslim League Quaid-e-Azam (PMLQ). So lots of rumors were circulating about him resisting the expected decision of dissolving the Punjab assembly by Imran Khan. However, he have proved all the rumors wrong via his statements, tweets and by being there with Imran Khan on the time of decision.