Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) a political party led by former cricketer, social worker and politician of the moment Imran Khan had arranged a protest for 23rd Nov 2013 against the drone attacks being held by United States on Pakistani soil. So they the protest rally was held today and tens of thousands of people showed their support for the cause by participating in the rally and it was gone real super successful.

The protest was held in order to put pressure on United States by stopping the Nato supply which essentially goes through Pakistan to the Nato forces in Afghanistan.
Pakistan does discourage the terrorism and have zero tolerance for any militant groups operating from its soil. But on same time they want the deal with the issue themselves. United States keep targeting people in Pakistan via drone strikes, which ignite the rage in people, why a country first violates the air space of Pakistan then hits the ground targets via drones which much of times also result in the killings of innocent people which have nothing do with terrorism. This also include the killings of woman and children, plus killings or innocent men in many cases. As soon as more innocent get affected by drone strikes in the country, the anger of people against United States increases, that in turn strengthen these militant groups. So drone attacks are fully counter productive.
People of Pakistan along with most of political groups want to deal with the militant groups on its soil but they demand that let us deal with them our way on our land. As drone attacks are not solving the issue, but its just forcing people turn violent specially when drone hits and kills an innocent human being.
Drones does killed some militants in near and far past but they does killed innocent people too, specially women and children. So how do you think they would react to this.
Imran Khan Led PTI along with people of Pakistan are actively protesting against the drone strikes in Pakistan, they do want an end to these drone strikes. First protesting rally was gone very much successful. Its been decided by Imran Khan with his party and People of Pakistan specially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK – A Pakistani Province) that they will resist to drone strikes in Pakistan. These rallies according to Imran Khan and PTI would continue until United States (US) realize that they should let Pakistanis deal with any militants on their soil. They are always welcome to give any on ground logistic support by approval of Pakistani Government but drone air strikes are not productive and should stop soon.
Rest assured Pakistanis are as peace liking and as peaceful as any other nation of world, they would eradicate any militant activity on their soil but they will be doing their own way, not via US drones which violate Pakistani airspace without approval of Pakistani government.
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