South Waziristan operation officially approved

Friday,  a meeting held in prime minister house to talk on security situation in the country. Top civil and military commands well as the opposition parties attended this meeting. Finally, most of the opposition parties and other participants agreed to pursue the South Waziristan operation.  They all agreed that, taking down the militant leadership hiding in South Waziristan is now only way out to stop the terrorism activities taking place in the country. As all the suicide attacks took place in last two weeks were being financed and backed from the same South Waziristan Area. As 28000 individuals of Pakistan army were already moved to the area, now the official approval of the operation will come up with more deployments […]

Militants trying to run from South Waziristan Agency

An army official in Wana told the press that some of the Taliban militants were trying to run away from the area. He added that they have tightened the controls around the area from all sides, so no one of the militants can escape.  Every person leaving the area are properly being checked, so that no one of Taliban Militants can leave the area. Same were the Taliban who were asked by government and security agencies several months ago to voluntarily clear the areas and stay on the base of live and let live policy. But they had no only denied, they started harming the locals, tried to impose their rules and laws to locals and started moving towards the […]

Estimated 10000 Taliban Militants are hidding in South Waziristan

Officials said told that about 10000 Taliban are hiding in the South Waziristan Agency. Some of them belong to the Tehreek-e-Taliban and other may belong to some other terrorist organizations. Most of them them are not the locals and belong to other nationalities. The locals are strictly against these Taliban fighters and are in full support of Army operation. As few months back in Operation Rah-e-Raast in Swat locals not only were in favor of Pakistan Army, they formed their own forces comprising 1200 people in one instance and fought against the foreign militants side by side with Pakistan Army. They had attacked and took down several militant posts, killing many of them.

90000 locals moved out fearing Army operation in South Waziristan

As Pakistan army is to pursue an operation against the militants hiding in the South Waziristan region, fearing the intense fight between Pakistan security forces and the hiding Taliban, 90000 locals have moved out of South Waziristan. The people who came out have been shifted to safe places in the Dera Ismail Khan and tank. It is expected that more people will be leaving their homes in coming soon as the air strikes and the fight on ground is going to be on peak soon. Previously in Pakistan Army’s Operation Rah-e-Raast about two million people had to leave their homes and the shelters were provided by Government in nearby area. Soon after within three months the swat area was cleaned […]

28000 troops move in to clear South Waziristan

Security forces of Pakistan are now constantly having the attacks on south Waziristan areas to clear up the hiding militants. They have been doing many air attacks from few days to target different enemy positions but now on Friday the security forces also launched the artillery attack along with the air attack. About 28000 troops have been deployed around the South Waziristan region to cope with the Taliban militants. More of them can be moved in as per requirement. Currently army and air force have been launching attacks to selected enemy positions to weaken their defense. As the time passes the attacks would be intense. As after security forces had decided to attack and clean South Waziristan region, in past […]