There are three kinds of Birth Certificates, which you need to get after birth of your child. And you need all those. First one is the one, which hospital provides after birth of your child. As next step you submit hospital provided child certificate to your Cantonment Board or Union Council if you do not live in Cantt area. Then final one is Child Certificate by nadra, for which you need the one which Cantonment Board or otherwise Union Council office have provided you.
This specific post is for people who live any Cantonment or Cantt area of Pakistan and its a guide with full steps on how to get birth certificate from cantonment for your newborn baby or your child.
Of course to get the Birth Certificate from Cantonment Board, you will need to first visit your nearest Cantonment board office. Please take following documents when going to Cantonment Office for this purpose.
- CNIC Copy Attested
- Birth Certificate from Hospital (This contains hospital name and birth date & time)
After reaching office there will be more documents involved in the process, they are,
- Birth Form
- Birth Affidavit
- Birth Certificate Payment Slip

So all the steps of whole process are as follows,
- Reach Cantonment Office with attested CNIC Copy of yourself (preferably both mother and father) and also birth certificate which is provided by hospital
- Get a child birth affidavit/stamp paper from any vendor near or inside cantt office or from any vendor while going to cantt office.
- Get Birth Certificate form from the Cantonment Office and fill the form
- Get Birth Certificate Fee or Charges challan, fill it and submit to designated bank.
- Now Staple all the documents and papers mentioned above together and submit to collection officer’s desk.
Process from your side will be complete after following above steps, just ask from collection officer while submitting application that how, when and where you will be able to receive the birth certificate.
Now after receiving this birth certificate you will have to submit it to National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) as well to get your child registered with them to get his/her B-Form and than ID Card in future.
Also be sure to follow all these processes as soon as possible after child’s birth. If you delay the things, there are fines which start mounting and overall cost of getting birth certificates and other documents increases as the time passes.
Earlier we had also shared the method of getting water connection from cantonment for your house or property, so do visit that page using the provided link above, if you are interested. Also you can see all Cantonment related procedures together as well.