While talking to the press Fawad Chaudhry revealed that tents to accommodate around 35 to 40 thousand people is being arranged for Friday, 25th of November, 2022. As Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman have already given call to Pakistanis to reach in Rawalpindi on 26th of November, 2022 between 1 PM to 2 PM. He will himself reach there and address them.
According to Fawad Chaudhry, PTI is expecting that around 35 to 40 thousand people will reach Rawalpindi the night before 26th November and will need accomodation, so for this reason, the accommodation is being arranged. He further said that on saturday 26th november, the day of actual call, several hundreds of thousands of people will reach Rawalpindi, in response to Imran Khan’s call.

PTI’s official twitter account shared a clip of Fawad Chaudhry in which he is talking to media and talking about the tent city to be setup of march participants. He also mentioned that tents installation will start from Allama Iqbal Park and it will spread wide to several kilometers. He also mentioned that these tanks will engulf the whole Rawalpindi city.
The tweet from PTI’s official twitter account, that we just discussed, is as follows, you can watch the video contained in tweet, where Fawad Chaudhry is talking to press yourself.
Another important thing to mention here is, in the original message, where Imran Khan told people to reach Rawalpindi on 26th November, Imran khan and now Fawad Chaudhry while talking to media, both told the 26th of November, 2022 is not then end of the movement or long march. But it is just a gathering where Imran Khan will himself be present at venue, will address the people present and then in his address he will tell in his next strategy to the people about the long march and the Haqeeqi Azadi (true freedom) movement on the whole.
At this time PTI has emerged as single biggest and most popular party of Pakistan. The way PTI Chairman Imran Khan was ousted from his own government, as Prime Minister, people did not took this lightly, specially after the possibilities of foreign involvement were revealed. So it is very much possible that the gathering of 26th of November 2022 will indeed be historic and will see the scores of people, never seen before. At least several hundreds of thousands and according to some, millions of people are expected to gather in Rawalpindi on 26th November.