It is now 2015, here we are in Pakistan, facing the same problems as we had in year 2014. One of these problems is electricity load shedding, which have struck this time with more impact. It is winter season, when the electricity demand is the lowest, but people of Pakistan have to face 12 hours of load shedding in urban areas, in rural areas things are much worse.
We are not facing the electricity load shedding here in Pakistan because we do not have resources or enough plants to generate enough electricity for winter season, we are facing it due to the incapable political administration led by PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz) who do not want to run the generators which run on furnace oil but instead they resort to the methods like power plants on flow of water or solar energy. With all that said, I am not saying that Pakistan is relying only on these methods, few of plants of furnace oil are still running. But more can be run to fully eliminate the load shedding in winter season. Its very possible that each nook and corner of Pakistan can be provided with zero electricity down time in winter.
The reason why the all furnace oil plants are not being fully utilized is simple, govt charge people as if electricity is fully generated on furnace oil but they intend to run minimum of those generated and money saved from that fuel is used on other projects, the projects which may be low priority or importance but give some popularity to the political party in power.
Those who are in power, must understand that people of Pakistan very well know what is very important for them and what is not. They know that resolving the issue of Power Shortage is of much more importance than the existence of Metro Bus project in handful of cities of Pakistan.
Than again its warning to those in power, they must concentrate more on problems of Pakistan other than gaining traction for their own party. They must work more on resolving the basic issues like terrorism or power shortage in Pakistan other than coming up with Metro Bus Projects which are being done on extremely higher costs than actually it must be. Otherwise, only one thing people of Pakistan can do, that is not voting for PML-N in next elections.
I do no like to seem like I am driven by some political force here, but its good for us all, it is good for Pakistan that PML-N led government focuses and tries to solve basic issues of Pakistan. If they do that well, I will be the first one to vote them back in Pakistan General Elections 2018.
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