No more extension in winter vacations, says Murad Raas

The winter vacations of 2022 started from 24th of Dec 2022 and were supposed to end with year end. Students were required report back on Jan 02, 2023. However, these vacations were extended after keeping in view the smog situation in Punjab, specially in Lahore and nearby areas and cities. The entension was until Jan 6, 2022 and students have report back on Jan 09, 2023.

However, lots of students and teachers were hoping that the Murad Raas, the Education minister of Punjab extends the winter vacations once again for one more week, keeping in sight the extremely cold weather and smog situation in Punjab. But the Minister plain and simple denied it and sent several tweets about it from his personal twitter account. In first tweet, he mentioned his story, how they used to goto school in same weather and asked, he wonders what is wrong with this generation, the exact tweet is as follows.

Then the next tweet from the Murad Raas was with a blank space, it exactly read as “Stop _______ Pakistan! to whom it concerns! Fill In the blanks!”. We suspect that this tweet was directed towards the students and parents who were constantly tagging Murad Raas for more holidays and I am pretty sure, the missing word here is ‘whining’. However, this is purely my own assumption, keeping in view the vacations situation, people asking for more vacations and timings of tweet.

The story does not end here, it goes further. There were lots of fake news and videos circulating that the winter vacations have been extended for one more week and students have to report back on Jan 16, 2023. However, all these stories were fake, so Murad Raas sent a third tweet to bust all these fake stories about another extension in winter holidays. In his latest tweet, Murad Raas the Punjab’s Education minister, stressed that the schools are open tomorrow, by tomorrow he meant, Monday Jan 09, 2023, all news which say otherwise are fake news. The exact tweet is as follows.

Previously, when really an extension in winter vacations was announced, all, the students, teachers and even parents were very happy with the decision. This helped students, specially children, to stay indoors. Parents also did not had drive and drop children in extreme weather. That is not it, parents other more valid concern is students being ill with diseases like flu and variants in extreme weather. It was also joyful for teachers and a chance for them to spend more free days and spend more time with their families.

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