Manmohan Singh the Indian President met Barak Obama the US president on Sunday in United States. As usual they again shown concerns over the on going US Pakistan relationships and the military aid being provided by US to Pakistan to cope with the militants in Pakistani areas.
Indian president claimed that the military aid and financial assistance in this regard provided by US government to Pakistan is often used against India, though Indians don’t have any evidence or actual facts and figures about this. The fact actually is that Indian themselves don’t want any good relations with Pakistan and also can not see any good relations of Pakistan with any other country of Pakistan.
Later on a meeting between Pakistani prime minister and American president was scheduled, the Indian president was also invited to that meeting to discuss matters directly with Pakistani prime minister but they Indians refused to be part of that meeting also refused to discuss anything directly with Pakistani representatives. This very much shows the intentions and thoughts of Indian leadership that they in fact do not want any good relationships between their country and Pakistan. If they are loyal enough to peace process and resolving the matters they must use every forum to discuss the matters and find a solution.