23rd March is celebrated as Pakistan Day every year here in Pakistan mainly because of the Pakistan resolution we passed back in 1940 on same date. This was the start of Pakistan Movement consisted of struggle for a new separate country for Muslims of Indian subcontinent where they can live independently and peacefully without any influence form Hindus and British who never treated us equal back in those days.
Now we are living what our ancestors dreamed about 70 years back, at least we have our independence today and can do anything without any foreign influence if we want to.
Congratulating you on all on this independence I would like to add that we have not fully achieved what was dreamed in 1940’s resolution, we still have get rid of remained foreign influences on our soil, have to get rid of bad security situation, we have revive our economy, lots to be done in education sector in terms of increasing literacy rate and quality of education, health sector needs much of advancement, we have to be united on national level by forgetting any stuff which is planted here to divide us and above all we have to choose the right people to lead our country. The last sentence is the key to everything I have said above, because as soon as we will get able to choose the right, loyal and honest people to lead our country, much of other worries will go away automatically.
When we will have achieved of what I have mentioned above, still we will have to follow the dream, follow the dream to make this nation the greatest nation of the world. I assure this is not just a dream we have got potential, we have people who are working hard with honestly in whatever they do, also believe me they are in majority, what all we have to do is to get rid of internal corruption we are facing in this country.
The way around I have figured out around this is changing the top level leadership of country to honest, loyal, capable and trustworthy people, when we will have top level corruption gone, the pressures and strategies from top level will make corruption go away from all lower levels.
Secondly if we as individuals are not corrupt, this is not enough to get away, we will have to incorporate the zero tolerance for corruption in ourselves. That will demand us to go around everything in right manner without using any money or personal contacts, pointing out and exploiting the people who make people do those two things to their things done.
There is lots more which can be added to this topic but the point is we all have to be loyal and honest to our country and people, and as I said earlier worries will go away automatically. Lets consider this Pakistan Day as starting point to change everything we have towards everything we must have. It is the time to do the right thing or otherwise we may not be there to correct the things.
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