More and more users are now seeing the increased character limit on twitter. Instead of older 140 character limit on tweets now twitter is rolling out the new limit of 280 characters. But its not yet available to everyone. However some twitter accounts having considerable fan following are seeing this limit enhanced. Others are still stuck with 140 characters. Twitter would have rolled it out at once for everyone but I guess they are testing on how it goes.

First #280characters tweet
Twitter has Increased its limit from 140 characters to #280characters for specific users, I guess I am one of them. So here is my first tweet with #280characters. And it looks to lengthy to write 280 characters. I am trying to use all 280 characters.
— Sidra Sheikh (@sidrasheikh_) September 27, 2017
However, in my personal twitter account I am still stuck with older 140 characters limit, which is going to change probably soon.
Previously, twitter had made sure that any media won’t be counted towards the character limit and this was next well awaited, most due step finally taken and being rolled out the masses, slowly :-). Most due in a way that I have seen many government departments, politicians, celebrities, singers and rest of the world conveying their point in more than one tweets even sometimes 5 to 6 easily. New limit will encourage them to stay within one or mostly two tweets.
However, human nature is to never satisfy with anything, well mostly. Same is the reason that many people are now asking for the ability to edit the current tweets. But also other are opposing the addition of edit feature, so it can be misused by making a tweet real popular and than changing its content something really opposite when a certain number of retweets are happened.